Standing Handcuffing
c) Control Advantages
Applying the cuffs with hands back-to-back renders them less functional (accessing weapons and contraband).
Having him adopt a very wide stance will greatly reduce his mobility (while undermining his balance) and make kicking you impossible.
Turning his toes outwards will further reduce his balance while locking out his hip joints which in turn reduces his spinal mobility needed to headbutt you; put him in a position and stand where it is difficult for him to assault or escape from you (have him sit down after cuffing, or even prone him out.
Any movements to assault or escape from you will be made much more difficult using this spread-foot (not legs!) placement.
Put him in a position (and stand) where it would be difficult for him to resist you (e.g., have him sit down after handcuffing, or even prone him out).
Use a hobble (or tie his shoelaces together) if needed; but do not use a “maximal restraint technique” (i.e., do not hog tie his bound feet to his cuffed hands).
PRO TIP: The double twistlock can be used to control him throughout the handcuffing process (controlling him, accessing his backside, applying the first cuff, escorting him, and cuff removal) with the option of applying a Fawcett Wrench at anytime.
Searching his waistband immediately (as per a lawful search) after handcuffing him thwarts his access to hidden weapons and contraband commonly hidden in this area.
PRO TIP: A great way to search his waistband (and to keep your prying hands from being scratched) is to pull the lower portion of his upper clothing up over the handcuff chain to clearly expose this area.
Do not use the “hand-on-head” method of showing compliance as this is a loaded arm position for a hammerfist or elbow strike.
The cufflink lock adds an extra element of subtle and low-profile control always given up by other handcuffing methods.
You may protect yourself further from a headbutt by using your elbow to block such movement when applying the cuffs.