Prone Handcuffing
c) Control Advantages
Control over the seized straightened arm is maintained from the standing armlock to the prone handcuffing position via the combination of the double leg squeeze and the bent wristlock.
You can easily disengage from this heads-up kneeling position which adds about half of your body weight to further keep him in the prone handcuffing position.
PRO TIP: the crossing of his ankles and side placement of his free arm in the prone handcuffing position will serve as early warning signals should he try to get up, as these limb positionings are the opposite required for him to push up out of this position; the palm-up hand positioning shows that he has nothing concealed in it.
The pistol grip using the limiting fingers will offer you the strongest method of safely holding onto the handcuffs (i.e, it keeps your fingers away from the strand teeth).
Cuffing the hands back-to-back will make the tandem use of these hands very difficult.
The cufflink lock is a very biomechanically strong means of retaining the bent wristlock should his behaviour need to be modified.
Searching the waistband immediately will reduce the chance of him accessing weapons or contraband.