Get in touch with us
Our address
Odd Squad Productions Society knows that drugs have no boundaries. Our mission is to empower youth to create lifelong changes regarding drug use and criminal behavior for themselves, their peers, and their communities.
5487 Lane Street, Burnaby BC
V5H 2H4
Contact us
Tel: 604-408-9945
Charitable/business number: 864923354RR0001
BC Society Non-Profit since September 1997 : S0038048
“Dear Odd Squad Productions Society,
I want to thank all members of the organization for the opportunities you’ve provided me so far. Thank you for allowing me to work beside you during the summer. I enjoyed working behind the camera on different projects and learning more about filming. Thank you for helping me learn new skills and develop the ones that I had. Thank you for letting me be part of Police Judo. When I first began Judo, I felt welcome and valued right away. Thank you for your patience and continuing support.
Kind Regards”
– Fatima, September 2021
“I was just driving by your location and saw wood for sale. Entered the driveway and could see that this was not just wood for sale but youths were manding a welcome under a tent. Inside was a charity garage sale. Such happy faces of young in motion… doing something they loved. They went out of their way to help me and directed me to Chris Graham. I wanted to buy a truck load of wood for the winter. Within 3 hours I got my wood delivered and stacked. All by 3 wonderful kids , Toby and Chris. I’m conversation – we all had a lot in common. Today I found new friends and will join you On the Odd Squad team.!!!!”
– Anonymous
“I was getting involved with the wrong people and you showed me some things that changed my perspective on my life at the time. You also helped me get back to school at CABE and helped me get in touch with a PLEA social worker. The things that you did for me have shaped my life into what it is now and i just wanted to reach out and say how grateful I am for that.”
– Anonymous
“I understand more than ever the effects of drugs. Hearing and watching the accounts of people who have become addicted was powerful and seeing how desperately they wanted kids to know what really happens was even more powerful.”
– OSP Substance Abuse Presentation Participant
“I plan to go to UBC. I want to study pediatric and adolescent psychology and addiction. It was people like you who have inspired me to help others; and I deeply appreciated that you take the time to educate. Without this kind of vital education, I could have made the wrong choice.”
– Grade 7 student, Coquitlam School District
“The Delta School District is grateful for the support that Odd Squad Productions has provided to us over the past several years. Doug and his team have tailored presentations on Anti-drug and gang lifestyle presentations to our Secondary School Students and have had a huge impact year over year. Most recently, working with our School Liaison Officers from the Delta Police, all Delta Secondary School Students have had the 3 Part Series on Fentanyl presented to them. Student feedback has been very positive and the series clearly sustained discussions at the school and classroom level long after the presentations were over. Odd Squad Productions are first class resources that provide timely and age appropriate information that fits perfectly within our School District’s Prevention Framework. Their services come with our highest recommendation.”
– Brad Bauman, Assistant Superintendent, Delta School District
“Dear Doug,
Thanks for passing this along.
I know why you do what you do, and so does the Squad, the board, our sponsors and supporters . . . hopefully some of the public too.
But it’s really nice to get direct specific feedback about individual kids who have been helped by you and Odd Squad. Sometimes we get questions from granting agencies, etc. about “measurables” and “quantifiable results”. I can be hard to prove a negative, but you have done it.
Very gratifying, touching email. Well deserved.
Congrats, and thank you.”
– Lower Mainland High School Teacher
“This was a very unique and interesting presentation on drugs, though quite intense. In previous years, all of the talks at school on drugs have been rather boring – I have been told ‘these are examples of drugs, don’t do them even if your friends want you to’. However, this session was interactive (where students were asked why people do drugs and we posted our responses), and rather than telling us not to do drugs, they showed us. The intensity of the presentation showed us first hand the consequences of substance abuse and how they truly can take over your life. Furthermore, the presentation was unique in that it changed my perception of drug addicts. The societal stigma attached to them makes them out to be horrible, violent people. But when they were asked if they could be filmed to help youth, they were all for it. That really resonated with me.”
– OSP Substance Abuse Presentation Participant